
Columni is since 1996 the alumni association for former students at the University of Groningen in the field of communication: Communication and Information Studies (bachelor), Communication Science, Communication and Education, Computer Communication, Information Science or Digital Humanities (masters), General Arts, variant Communication, Documentation and Information, Dutch Language and Literature, specialization in Language Control, Internal and External Communication of Organizations. Since the academic year 2019-2020, Columni is a part of Commotie. All the information about Columni and activities can be found on the website of Commotie.
What can members of Columni expect?
Commotie organises a couple of study-related activities each year, such as lectures and workshops. Columni members can always attend these activities if they want to. The activities are professionally interesting for Columni members and offer the opportunity to make contact with former fellow students. The activities always have a relationship with the study or the university. Through a digital newsletter we keep our members informed of activities and other relevant news.
Become a member?
If you want to become a member, please send an email to Then we will add you to our membership file and you will become a member of our LinkedIn group.
Post adress:
Vakgroep Taal en Communicatie
t.a.v. Columni
Postbus 716
9700 AS Groningen