Linyu Li
1. Who are you?
2. What do you do?
I am currently a second year CIS student.
3. Why are you a member of Commotie?
To make new friends and gossip related to theprogram
4. Are you an active member as well?
Yes, two committees
5. How do you friends call you?
Actually just my name. Linyu
6. To which animal do you relate the most?
Cat. I like the fact that cats often have their own mind.
7. Which activity of Commotie is most memorable?
Definitely the Prague trip.
8. What are you most proud of?
I could speak Dutch when I am drunk.
9. What is your favorite spot in Groningen?
Of course the party street- Peperstraat.
10. What did you want to be when growing up?
Flight attendant
11. What is your favorite way of spending your free time?
Flying in the air
12. What ability do you really want to have?
Speak many languages
13. What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
Being drunk
14. What don’t you like?
Class before 11 am
15. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Work in a company that has lots of holidays.
16. Which Commotie member would you vote for to become president?
Nat, I think she will bring us fun.
17. Which two members of Commotie should go on a date?
Linde and Bram
18. To whom do you want to pass the keyboard and why?
I would like to pass the keyboard to a person that I don't that well. So it is Myla.