Become a sponsor
Commotie is the study association for all communication students in Groningen. Our members are mostly from the study Communication and Information Studies at the University of Groningen, but they can also be a student at the Institute for Communication, Media and IT at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. These studies are multidisciplinary and offer subjects in the directions of linguistics, social media, conversation analysis, web design, intercultural communication and corporate communication. In short, these students will have a broad orientation after finishing their studies.
Commotie is an active association with nine different committees in which every student can explore their qualities and capabilities and further develop themselves. This year, we have about 200 members of which there are about 50 members who participate in committees or the board.
Besides social activities, Commotie has a magazine, a yearbook and a website that is visited daily. We also organise two congresses every year where members of Commotie can meet with people who work in the field of communication. By offering workshops and lectures to our members we create a connection between study and the workfield of communication. We visit different companies, both in The Netherlands and in other countries during our yearly trip abroad. For example, last year we visited the companies Havas, Airbnb and Hubspot in Dublin, Ireland. In The Netherlands we visited companies like DUO, and GGZ. This way students get a better understanding of all possible places they can work, national and international, after finishing their study CIS.
We cooperate with other associations to organise interesting activities that are not only directed at communication. We organise a congress with MARUG, the study association for marketing students. This congress is directed at marketing communication. Every year there is a National Day of Communication. This is a congress, organised in cooperation with nine different study associations for communication students in The Netherlands.
Interested in becoming a sponsor?
We are always looking for enthusiastic companies with whom we can organise activities like inhouse days for our members. In exchange, we offer a broad network of students where you can promote your company.
Commotie has different communication channels via which we can promote your company. A few of these channels are:
Our website
Social Media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram)
Our monthly newsletter
Our magazine
Our yearbook
Direct mail
Besides advertising, it is possible to become a (head)sponsor of one of our activities, for example the trip abroad, one of the congresses, lectures, workshops or career events.
If you have any ideas about a cooperation with Commotie we can always sort out the possibilities specifically for you.
For more information and all your questions you can contact:
Julius Koops
Commissioner of External Affairs
+31 6 49377624